Insurance Tips
How to save big on your car insurance
Type of Car
First and foremost the model of car you will be driving will have a big impact on the kind of insurance premiums you will be asked to pay by the company. Big SUVs and sports cars tend to cost more to ensure. So if you want to save some money, be mindful of the type of car you are buying and how much it will cost you to ensure it.
Driving History
Being a good driver also pays! Being careful on the road means you avoid accidents which means you avoid having accident claims. This in turn allows you for some major discounts when shopping for car insurance. Ask for your no claims discount and keep driving safe.
Number of Policies
The more cars the merrier. If you have several cars in your household, ensuring them with the same company can allow you to take advantage of some discounts. Also combining policies from the same provider, for example your health and car insurance, can allow for further discounts
You can always adjust your deductible to save on your premiums. It usually goes the lower the deductible the higher the premium. However if your financial situation allows for you to be paying a higher deductible, incase you file any claims, then discuss that with your insurance provider and save on your premiums.
Shop Around
Finding a good deal will always require that you shop around. So our last tip is that you ask for multiple quotes from various companies and don’t be shy to ask for what you want. Many times finding a good deal on your car insurance is a matter of negotiation.