Minimum Balance Annual Fee Internet Banking Features
 Oman Arab Bank - Hassad Scholar Oman Arab Bank - Hassad Scholar Minimum Balance: OMR 200 Annual Fee: OMR 0 Internet Banking: No Features: No Salary Transfer
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  • Individual Omanis and non-Omanis who are below 18 years old.
Documents Required:
  • A complete Account Opening application form.
  • For Omanis: copy of guardians valid  ID + copy birth certificate or copy of child valid passport .
  • For non-Omanis: copy of guardians valid Passport and resident ID + copy of birth certificate and child valid passport.
** Calculator Definitions
Amount: The total amount of money borrowed, also referred to as the principal amount.
Rate (%): This is the annual interest rate on the product which is equivalent to APR, which is going to be calculated in this example.
Years: This is the original term or length of the product, stated in years.
Effective Monthly Payment: This is the effective monthly payment, which takes into consideration fees and other costs associated with this product. The effective monthly payment is the basis for the APR calculation.
Calculated Annual Percentage Rate (%): The Calculated Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is determined using the annual interest rate of the product plus fees and other costs. This rate may differ from bank to bank. APR is useful when comparing two or more products with different interest rates and fee structures.
National Bank of Oman - Mustaqbali
Minimum Balance
OMR 250
Annual Fee
Bank Dhofar - Current Account
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OMR 300
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